JmDNS 3.4.1

Class JmmDNSImpl

  extended by javax.jmdns.impl.JmmDNSImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, EventListener, ServiceInfoImpl.Delegate, JmmDNS, NetworkTopologyListener

public class JmmDNSImpl
extends Object
implements JmmDNS, NetworkTopologyListener, ServiceInfoImpl.Delegate

This class enable multihomming mDNS. It will open a mDNS per IP address of the machine.

Cédrik Lime, Pierre Frisch

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface javax.jmdns.JmmDNS
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addNetworkTopologyListener(NetworkTopologyListener listener)
          Listen to network changes.
 void addServiceListener(String type, ServiceListener listener)
          Listen for services of a given type.
 void addServiceTypeListener(ServiceTypeListener listener)
          Listen for service types.
 void close()
 String[] getHostNames()
          Return the list HostName associated with this JmmDNS instance.
 InetAddress[] getInterfaces()
          Return the list of addresses of the interface to which this instance of JmmDNS is bound.
 String[] getNames()
          Return the names of the JmDNS instances.
 ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type, String name)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type, String name, boolean persistent)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type, String name, boolean persistent, long timeout)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type, String name, long timeout)
          Get service information.
 void inetAddressAdded(NetworkTopologyEvent event)
          A network address has been added.
 void inetAddressRemoved(NetworkTopologyEvent event)
          A network address has been removed.
 ServiceInfo[] list(String type)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.
 ServiceInfo[] list(String type, long timeout)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.
 Map<String,ServiceInfo[]> listBySubtype(String type)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type sorted by subtype.
 Map<String,ServiceInfo[]> listBySubtype(String type, long timeout)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type sorted by subtype.
 NetworkTopologyListener[] networkListeners()
          Returns list of network change listeners
 void registerService(ServiceInfo info)
          Register a service.
 void registerServiceType(String type)
          Register a service type.
 void removeNetworkTopologyListener(NetworkTopologyListener listener)
          Remove listener for network changes.
 void removeServiceListener(String type, ServiceListener listener)
          Remove listener for services of a given type.
 void removeServiceTypeListener(ServiceTypeListener listener)
          Remove listener for service types.
 void requestServiceInfo(String type, String name)
          Request service information.
 void requestServiceInfo(String type, String name, boolean persistent)
          Request service information.
 void requestServiceInfo(String type, String name, boolean persistent, long timeout)
          Request service information.
 void requestServiceInfo(String type, String name, long timeout)
          Request service information.
 void textValueUpdated(ServiceInfo target, byte[] value)
 void unregisterAllServices()
          Unregister all services.
 void unregisterService(ServiceInfo info)
          Unregister a service.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JmmDNSImpl()
Method Detail


public void close()
           throws IOException
Specified by:
close in interface Closeable


public String[] getNames()
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Return the names of the JmDNS instances.

Specified by:
getNames in interface JmmDNS
list of name of the JmDNS
See Also:


public String[] getHostNames()
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Return the list HostName associated with this JmmDNS instance.

Specified by:
getHostNames in interface JmmDNS
list of host names
See Also:


public InetAddress[] getInterfaces()
                            throws IOException
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Return the list of addresses of the interface to which this instance of JmmDNS is bound.

Specified by:
getInterfaces in interface JmmDNS
list of Internet Address
See Also:


public ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type,
                                     String name)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Get service information. If the information is not cached, the method will block until updated information is received on all DNS.

Usage note: Do not call this method from the AWT event dispatcher thread. You will make the user interface unresponsive.

Specified by:
getServiceInfos in interface JmmDNS
type - fully qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
list of service info. If no service info is found the list is empty.
See Also:
JmDNS.getServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type,
                                     String name,
                                     long timeout)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Get service information. If the information is not cached, the method will block until updated information is received on all DNS.

Usage note: If you call this method from the AWT event dispatcher thread, use a small timeout, or you will make the user interface unresponsive.

Specified by:
getServiceInfos in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
timeout - timeout in milliseconds. Typical timeout should be 5s.
list of service info. If no service info is found the list is empty.
See Also:
JmDNS.getServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)


public ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type,
                                     String name,
                                     boolean persistent)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Get service information. If the information is not cached, the method will block until updated information is received on all DNS.

Usage note: If you call this method from the AWT event dispatcher thread, use a small timeout, or you will make the user interface unresponsive.

Specified by:
getServiceInfos in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
persistent - if true ServiceListener.resolveService will be called whenever new new information is received.
list of service info. If no service info is found the list is empty.
See Also:
JmDNS.getServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)


public ServiceInfo[] getServiceInfos(String type,
                                     String name,
                                     boolean persistent,
                                     long timeout)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Get service information. If the information is not cached, the method will block until updated information is received on all DNS.

Usage note: If you call this method from the AWT event dispatcher thread, use a small timeout, or you will make the user interface unresponsive.

Specified by:
getServiceInfos in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
persistent - if true ServiceListener.resolveService will be called whenever new new information is received.
timeout - timeout in milliseconds. Typical timeout should be 5s.
list of service info. If no service info is found the list is empty.
See Also:
JmDNS.getServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, long)


public void requestServiceInfo(String type,
                               String name)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Request service information. The information about the service is requested and the ServiceListener.resolveService method is called as soon as it is available.

Specified by:
requestServiceInfo in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
See Also:
JmDNS.requestServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public void requestServiceInfo(String type,
                               String name,
                               boolean persistent)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Request service information. The information about the service is requested and the ServiceListener.resolveService method is called as soon as it is available.

Specified by:
requestServiceInfo in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
persistent - if true ServiceListener.resolveService will be called whenever new new information is received.
See Also:
JmDNS.requestServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean)


public void requestServiceInfo(String type,
                               String name,
                               long timeout)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Request service information. The information about the service is requested and the ServiceListener.resolveService method is called as soon as it is available.

Specified by:
requestServiceInfo in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
timeout - timeout in milliseconds
See Also:
JmDNS.requestServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)


public void requestServiceInfo(String type,
                               String name,
                               boolean persistent,
                               long timeout)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Request service information. The information about the service is requested and the ServiceListener.resolveService method is called as soon as it is available.

Specified by:
requestServiceInfo in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local. .
name - unqualified service name, such as foobar .
persistent - if true ServiceListener.resolveService will be called whenever new new information is received.
timeout - timeout in milliseconds
See Also:
JmDNS.requestServiceInfo(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, long)


public void addServiceTypeListener(ServiceTypeListener listener)
                            throws IOException
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Listen for service types.

Specified by:
addServiceTypeListener in interface JmmDNS
listener - listener for service types
See Also:


public void removeServiceTypeListener(ServiceTypeListener listener)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Remove listener for service types.

Specified by:
removeServiceTypeListener in interface JmmDNS
listener - listener for service types
See Also:


public void addServiceListener(String type,
                               ServiceListener listener)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Listen for services of a given type. The type has to be a fully qualified type name such as _http._tcp.local..

Specified by:
addServiceListener in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local..
listener - listener for service updates
See Also:
JmDNS.addServiceListener(java.lang.String, javax.jmdns.ServiceListener)


public void removeServiceListener(String type,
                                  ServiceListener listener)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Remove listener for services of a given type.

Specified by:
removeServiceListener in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local..
listener - listener for service updates
See Also:
JmDNS.removeServiceListener(java.lang.String, javax.jmdns.ServiceListener)


public void textValueUpdated(ServiceInfo target,
                             byte[] value)
Specified by:
textValueUpdated in interface ServiceInfoImpl.Delegate


public void registerService(ServiceInfo info)
                     throws IOException
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Register a service. The service is registered for access by other jmdns clients. The name of the service may be changed to make it unique.
Note the Service info is cloned for each network interface.

Specified by:
registerService in interface JmmDNS
info - service info to register
See Also:


public void unregisterService(ServiceInfo info)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Unregister a service. The service should have been registered.

Specified by:
unregisterService in interface JmmDNS
info - service info to remove
See Also:


public void unregisterAllServices()
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Unregister all services.

Specified by:
unregisterAllServices in interface JmmDNS
See Also:


public void registerServiceType(String type)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Register a service type. If this service type was not already known, all service listeners will be notified of the new service type. Service types are automatically registered as they are discovered.

Specified by:
registerServiceType in interface JmmDNS
type - full qualified service type, such as _http._tcp.local..
See Also:


public ServiceInfo[] list(String type)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.

Specified by:
list in interface JmmDNS
type - Service type name, such as _http._tcp.local..
An array of service instance.
See Also:


public ServiceInfo[] list(String type,
                          long timeout)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.

Specified by:
list in interface JmmDNS
type - Service type name, such as _http._tcp.local..
timeout - timeout in milliseconds. Typical timeout should be 6s.
An array of service instance.
See Also:
JmDNS.list(java.lang.String, long)


public Map<String,ServiceInfo[]> listBySubtype(String type)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Returns a list of service infos of the specified type sorted by subtype. Any service that do not register a subtype is listed in the empty subtype section.

Specified by:
listBySubtype in interface JmmDNS
type - Service type name, such as _http._tcp.local..
A dictionary of service info by subtypes.
See Also:


public Map<String,ServiceInfo[]> listBySubtype(String type,
                                               long timeout)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Returns a list of service infos of the specified type sorted by subtype. Any service that do not register a subtype is listed in the empty subtype section.

Specified by:
listBySubtype in interface JmmDNS
type - Service type name, such as _http._tcp.local..
timeout - timeout in milliseconds. Typical timeout should be 6s.
A dictionary of service info by subtypes.
See Also:
JmDNS.listBySubtype(java.lang.String, long)


public void addNetworkTopologyListener(NetworkTopologyListener listener)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Listen to network changes.

Specified by:
addNetworkTopologyListener in interface JmmDNS
listener - listener for network changes


public void removeNetworkTopologyListener(NetworkTopologyListener listener)
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Remove listener for network changes.

Specified by:
removeNetworkTopologyListener in interface JmmDNS
listener - listener for network changes


public NetworkTopologyListener[] networkListeners()
Description copied from interface: JmmDNS
Returns list of network change listeners

Specified by:
networkListeners in interface JmmDNS
list of network change listeners


public void inetAddressAdded(NetworkTopologyEvent event)
Description copied from interface: NetworkTopologyListener
A network address has been added.

Specified by:
inetAddressAdded in interface NetworkTopologyListener
event - The NetworkTopologyEvent providing the name and fully qualified type of the service.


public void inetAddressRemoved(NetworkTopologyEvent event)
Description copied from interface: NetworkTopologyListener
A network address has been removed.

Specified by:
inetAddressRemoved in interface NetworkTopologyListener
event - The NetworkTopologyEvent providing the name and fully qualified type of the service.

Last updated 2011-08-25 12:40

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