JmDNS 3.4.1

Interface NameRegister

All Known Implementing Classes:
NameRegister.UniqueNameAcrossInterface, NameRegister.UniqueNamePerInterface

public interface NameRegister

Nested Class Summary
static class NameRegister.Factory
static class NameRegister.NameType
static class NameRegister.UniqueNameAcrossInterface
static class NameRegister.UniqueNamePerInterface
Method Summary
 boolean checkName(InetAddress networkInterface, String name, NameRegister.NameType type)
          Checks a name that is defended by this group of mDNS.
 String incrementHostName(InetAddress networkInterface, String name, NameRegister.NameType type)
          Increments a name that is defended by this group of mDNS after it has been found in conflict.
 void register(InetAddress networkInterface, String name, NameRegister.NameType type)
          Registers a name that is defended by this group of mDNS.

Method Detail


void register(InetAddress networkInterface,
              String name,
              NameRegister.NameType type)
Registers a name that is defended by this group of mDNS.

networkInterface - IP address to handle
name - name to register
type - name type to register


boolean checkName(InetAddress networkInterface,
                  String name,
                  NameRegister.NameType type)
Checks a name that is defended by this group of mDNS.

networkInterface - IP address to handle
name - name to check
type - name type to check
true if the name is not in conflict, flase otherwise.


String incrementHostName(InetAddress networkInterface,
                         String name,
                         NameRegister.NameType type)
Increments a name that is defended by this group of mDNS after it has been found in conflict.

networkInterface - IP address to handle
name - name to increment
type - name type to increments
new name

Last updated 2011-08-25 12:40

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