JmDNS 3.4.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use JmDNSImpl

Uses of JmDNSImpl in javax.jmdns.impl

Methods in javax.jmdns.impl that return JmDNSImpl
 JmDNSImpl ServiceInfoImpl.getDns()
          Returns the DNS associated with this object.
 JmDNSImpl JmDNSImpl.getDns()
          Returns the DNS associated with this object.
 JmDNSImpl HostInfo.getDns()
          Returns the DNS associated with this object.
 JmDNSImpl DNSStatefulObject.getDns()
          Returns the DNS associated with this object.
 JmDNSImpl DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation.getDns()
          Returns the DNS associated with this object.

Methods in javax.jmdns.impl with parameters of type JmDNSImpl
 void DNSQuestion.addAnswers(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl, Set<DNSRecord> answers)
          Adds answers to the list for our question.
protected  void DNSQuestion.addAnswersForServiceInfo(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl, Set<DNSRecord> answers, ServiceInfoImpl info)
abstract  ServiceEvent DNSRecord.getServiceEvent(JmDNSImpl dns)
          Creates and return a service event for this record.
 ServiceEvent DNSRecord.Address.getServiceEvent(JmDNSImpl dns)
 ServiceEvent DNSRecord.Pointer.getServiceEvent(JmDNSImpl dns)
 ServiceEvent DNSRecord.Text.getServiceEvent(JmDNSImpl dns)
 ServiceEvent DNSRecord.Service.getServiceEvent(JmDNSImpl dns)
 ServiceEvent DNSRecord.HostInformation.getServiceEvent(JmDNSImpl dns)
 DNSTaskStarter DNSTaskStarter.Factory.getStarter(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
          Return the instance of the DNSTaskStarter for the JmDNS.
 boolean DNSQuestion.iAmTheOnlyOne(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
          Checks if we are the only to be able to answer that question.
protected static DNSTaskStarter DNSTaskStarter.Factory.newDNSTaskStarter(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
          Returns a new instance of DNSTaskStarter using the class delegate if it exists.
 DNSTaskStarter DNSTaskStarter.Factory.ClassDelegate.newDNSTaskStarter(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
          Allows the delegate the opportunity to construct and return a different DNSTaskStarter.
static HostInfo HostInfo.newHostInfo(InetAddress address, JmDNSImpl dns, String jmdnsName)
 void ServiceInfoImpl.setDns(JmDNSImpl dns)
protected  void DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation.setDns(JmDNSImpl dns)

Constructors in javax.jmdns.impl with parameters of type JmDNSImpl
DNSTaskStarter.DNSTaskStarterImpl(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
ServiceEventImpl(JmDNSImpl jmDNS, String type, String name, ServiceInfo info)
          Creates a new instance.

Uses of JmDNSImpl in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks

Methods in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks that return JmDNSImpl
 JmDNSImpl DNSTask.getDns()
          Return the DNS associated with this task.

Constructors in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks with parameters of type JmDNSImpl
DNSTask(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
RecordReaper(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
Responder(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl, DNSIncoming in, int port)

Uses of JmDNSImpl in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.resolver

Constructors in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.resolver with parameters of type JmDNSImpl
DNSResolverTask(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
ServiceInfoResolver(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl, ServiceInfoImpl info)
ServiceResolver(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl, String type)
TypeResolver(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)

Uses of JmDNSImpl in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.state

Constructors in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.state with parameters of type JmDNSImpl
Announcer(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
Canceler(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
DNSStateTask(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl, int ttl)
Prober(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)
Renewer(JmDNSImpl jmDNSImpl)

Last updated 2011-08-25 12:40

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