JmDNS 3.4.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use DNSTask

Uses of DNSTask in javax.jmdns.impl

Fields in javax.jmdns.impl declared as DNSTask
protected  DNSTask DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation._task

Methods in javax.jmdns.impl with parameters of type DNSTask
 boolean ServiceInfoImpl.advanceState(DNSTask task)
          Sets the state and notifies all objects that wait on the ServiceInfo.
 boolean JmDNSImpl.advanceState(DNSTask task)
          Sets the state and notifies all objects that wait on the ServiceInfo.
 boolean HostInfo.advanceState(DNSTask task)
          Sets the state and notifies all objects that wait on the ServiceInfo.
 boolean DNSStatefulObject.advanceState(DNSTask task)
          Sets the state and notifies all objects that wait on the ServiceInfo.
 boolean DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation.advanceState(DNSTask task)
          Sets the state and notifies all objects that wait on the ServiceInfo.
 void ServiceInfoImpl.associateWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Sets the task associated with this Object.
 void JmDNSImpl.associateWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Sets the task associated with this Object.
 void HostInfo.associateWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Sets the task associated with this Object.
 void DNSStatefulObject.associateWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Sets the task associated with this Object.
 void DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation.associateWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Sets the task associated with this Object.
 boolean ServiceInfoImpl.isAssociatedWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Checks if this object is associated with the task and in the same state.
 boolean JmDNSImpl.isAssociatedWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Checks if this object is associated with the task and in the same state.
 boolean HostInfo.isAssociatedWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Checks if this object is associated with the task and in the same state.
 boolean DNSStatefulObject.isAssociatedWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Checks if this object is associated with the task and in the same state.
 boolean DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation.isAssociatedWithTask(DNSTask task, DNSState state)
          Checks if this object is associated with the task and in the same state.
 void ServiceInfoImpl.removeAssociationWithTask(DNSTask task)
          Remove the association of the task with this Object.
 void JmDNSImpl.removeAssociationWithTask(DNSTask task)
          Remove the association of the task with this Object.
 void HostInfo.removeAssociationWithTask(DNSTask task)
          Remove the association of the task with this Object.
 void DNSStatefulObject.removeAssociationWithTask(DNSTask task)
          Remove the association of the task with this Object.
 void DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation.removeAssociationWithTask(DNSTask task)
          Remove the association of the task with this Object.
protected  void DNSStatefulObject.DefaultImplementation.setTask(DNSTask task)

Uses of DNSTask in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks

Subclasses of DNSTask in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks
 class RecordReaper
          Periodically removes expired entries from the cache.
 class Responder
          The Responder sends a single answer for the specified service infos and for the host name.

Uses of DNSTask in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.resolver

Subclasses of DNSTask in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.resolver
 class DNSResolverTask
          This is the root class for all resolver tasks.
 class ServiceInfoResolver
          The ServiceInfoResolver queries up to three times consecutively for a service info, and then removes itself from the timer.
 class ServiceResolver
          The ServiceResolver queries three times consecutively for services of a given type, and then removes itself from the timer.
 class TypeResolver
          Helper class to resolve service types.

Uses of DNSTask in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.state

Subclasses of DNSTask in javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.state
 class Announcer
          The Announcer sends an accumulated query of all announces, and advances the state of all serviceInfos, for which it has sent an announce.
 class Canceler
          The Canceler sends two announces with TTL=0 for the specified services.
 class DNSStateTask
          This is the root class for all state tasks.
 class Prober
          The Prober sends three consecutive probes for all service infos that needs probing as well as for the host name.
 class Renewer
          The Renewer is there to send renewal announcement when the record expire for ours infos.

Last updated 2011-08-25 12:40

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