JmDNS 3.4.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceInfo

Uses of ServiceInfo in javax.jmdns

Methods in javax.jmdns that return ServiceInfo
 ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.clone()
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(Map<ServiceInfo.Fields,String> qualifiedNameMap, int port, int weight, int priority, boolean persistent, Map<String,?> props)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, int port, int weight, int priority, boolean persistent, byte[] text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, int port, int weight, int priority, boolean persistent, Map<String,?> props)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, int port, int weight, int priority, boolean persistent, String text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, int port, int weight, int priority, byte[] text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, int port, int weight, int priority, Map<String,?> props)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, int port, int weight, int priority, String text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, int port, String text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, String subtype, int port, int weight, int priority, boolean persistent, byte[] text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, String subtype, int port, int weight, int priority, boolean persistent, Map<String,?> props)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, String subtype, int port, int weight, int priority, boolean persistent, String text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, String subtype, int port, int weight, int priority, byte[] text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, String subtype, int port, int weight, int priority, Map<String,?> props)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, String subtype, int port, int weight, int priority, String text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
static ServiceInfo ServiceInfo.create(String type, String name, String subtype, int port, String text)
          Construct a service description for registering with JmDNS.
abstract  ServiceInfo ServiceEvent.getInfo()
          Returns the service info record, or null if the service could not be resolved.
abstract  ServiceInfo JmDNS.getServiceInfo(String type, String name)
          Get service information.
abstract  ServiceInfo JmDNS.getServiceInfo(String type, String name, boolean persistent)
          Get service information.
abstract  ServiceInfo JmDNS.getServiceInfo(String type, String name, boolean persistent, long timeout)
          Get service information.
abstract  ServiceInfo JmDNS.getServiceInfo(String type, String name, long timeout)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNS.getServiceInfos(String type, String name)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNS.getServiceInfos(String type, String name, boolean persistent)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNS.getServiceInfos(String type, String name, boolean persistent, long timeout)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNS.getServiceInfos(String type, String name, long timeout)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNS.list(String type)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.
abstract  ServiceInfo[] JmDNS.list(String type)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNS.list(String type, long timeout)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.
abstract  ServiceInfo[] JmDNS.list(String type, long timeout)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.

Methods in javax.jmdns with parameters of type ServiceInfo
 void JmmDNS.registerService(ServiceInfo info)
          Register a service.
abstract  void JmDNS.registerService(ServiceInfo info)
          Register a service.
 void JmmDNS.unregisterService(ServiceInfo info)
          Unregister a service.
abstract  void JmDNS.unregisterService(ServiceInfo info)
          Unregister a service.

Method parameters in javax.jmdns with type arguments of type ServiceInfo
 void JmDNS.Delegate.cannotRecoverFromIOError(JmDNS dns, Collection<ServiceInfo> infos)
          This method is called if JmDNS cannot recover from an I/O error.

Uses of ServiceInfo in javax.jmdns.impl

Subclasses of ServiceInfo in javax.jmdns.impl
 class ServiceInfoImpl
          JmDNS service information.

Methods in javax.jmdns.impl that return ServiceInfo
 ServiceInfo ServiceEventImpl.getInfo()
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.getServiceInfo()
          Return a service information associated with that record if appropriate.
abstract  ServiceInfo DNSRecord.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
          Return a service information associated with that record if appropriate.
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.IPv4Address.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.IPv6Address.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.Address.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.Pointer.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.Text.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.Service.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo DNSRecord.HostInformation.getServiceInfo(boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo JmDNSImpl.getServiceInfo(String type, String name)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo JmDNSImpl.getServiceInfo(String type, String name, boolean persistent)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo JmDNSImpl.getServiceInfo(String type, String name, boolean persistent, long timeout)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo JmDNSImpl.getServiceInfo(String type, String name, long timeout)
          Get service information.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNSImpl.getServiceInfos(String type, String name)
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNSImpl.getServiceInfos(String type, String name, boolean persistent)
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNSImpl.getServiceInfos(String type, String name, boolean persistent, long timeout)
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNSImpl.getServiceInfos(String type, String name, long timeout)
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNSImpl.list(String type)
 ServiceInfo[] JmDNSImpl.list(String type)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.
 ServiceInfo[] JmmDNSImpl.list(String type, long timeout)
 ServiceInfo[] JmDNSImpl.list(String type, long timeout)
          Returns a list of service infos of the specified type.

Methods in javax.jmdns.impl that return types with arguments of type ServiceInfo
 Map<String,ServiceInfo> JmDNSImpl.getServices()

Methods in javax.jmdns.impl with parameters of type ServiceInfo
 void JmmDNSImpl.registerService(ServiceInfo info)
 void JmDNSImpl.registerService(ServiceInfo infoAbstract)
          Register a service.
 void ServiceInfoImpl.Delegate.textValueUpdated(ServiceInfo target, byte[] value)
 void JmmDNSImpl.textValueUpdated(ServiceInfo target, byte[] value)
 void JmmDNSImpl.unregisterService(ServiceInfo info)
 void JmDNSImpl.unregisterService(ServiceInfo infoAbstract)
          Unregister a service.

Constructors in javax.jmdns.impl with parameters of type ServiceInfo
ServiceEventImpl(JmDNSImpl jmDNS, String type, String name, ServiceInfo info)
          Creates a new instance.

Last updated 2011-08-25 12:40

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